First Impressions after 4 episodes
Just started watching this drama today and in the first 5 minutes am feeling pretty surprised in how they are introducing the story line and main character. Immediately a prisoner is roller into the infirmary where a young doctor jumps up, the prisoner is passed out and is having trouble breathing. The young doctor listens to his lungs with his stethoscope, decides he can't figure out what's wrong with the patient after only listening to his lungs and mentioning that he knows he doesn't have asthma, panics and says he will call 911 and then runs out of the room leaving the patient behind. Just saying any doctor who went to medical school or a person who has watched any medical drama should at least be checking his pulse, taking his blood pressure and checking his eyes with a light or at the very least stay with the patient instead of running out of the room? I realize this is all to introduce the main character who is supposed to be a great doctor who is able to walk in and immediately diagnose what is wrong and fix him in a few minutes before leaving without a trace.
After this initial scene we are then introduced to the main female, if it was me I would have just started off the drama at this point. So far 4 episodes in I am finding the drama to be extremely well paced, not only in the introduction of the 2 main characters other than the poorly executed starting scene but some of the side characters as well. You learn that both doctors have a past that have greatly affected their present circumstance and will most likely haunt them through the rest of the drama. We are shown some scenes with the possible future antagonist of the drama of the male lead and their relationship to him and the male leads past incident.